Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Phasing Graphic Overrides vs View Filters


In our AutoCAD system every mechanical item had three different line weights depending on the "phase". New is thicker than demolished; demolished is thicker than existing.

New and existing architectural items were different line weights, but were both lighter than any mechanical item.


In Revit MEP 2012, there are 4 ways to set an items (such as ductwork, or equipment) lineweight. I have listed below the 4 ways. As you move down the list, the items above are overridden. (Note: each of these will override graphics of a linked model if the model has "Display Settings" of "By Host View")

  • Object Styles: These are your base settings for the entire project. If no other overrides are applied, all objects will appear at the line weight, color, and pattern listed here. These can be edited by going to Manage > Settings Panel > Object Styles. They can also be accessed through the "Visibility/Graphic Overrides" window. At the bottom left of the window, click on "Object Styles..."

  • Phase Graphic Overrides: These apply to the entire project. These can be used to directly override your graphics for items that are existing, demolished, new, or any other phase you decide to create. This will override Object Styles. These can be found by going to Manage > Phasing Panel > Phases - Graphic Overrides Tab.

  • View Filter: These only apply to the current view and therefore, must be applied to each view.View filters can be used to override objects by parameters in the object (i.e. System Classification, Mark, Type, etc.). These can be useful if you, say, need your exhaust ducts to show up thicker than your supply.

  • Graphic override by element: Individual items can be overridden. This is done by clicking on the element and going to Modify > View > Override Graphics in View (looks like a paint brush). This is extremely useful when trying to get individual items to show up correctly. Think of it as a touch up tool.


Here is my problem. Our... more experienced engineers want the existing ductwork to show up lighter and a thinner lineweight than supply ductwork. That would be easy to do if they didn't also want the return to show up thicker than the supply.


I hope there is a better way to do this, but this is how I have fixed the problem.

Object Styles: No overrides
Phase Overrides: Existing items are overridden to show up a tone of grey (127-127,127).
View Filter: I have used the view filters to filter supply ducts and return ducts separately. This allows them to be different line thicknesses. No override is done for color to allow the phase override to be applied.

The reason I call this a "Temporary Solution" is that the existing duct now appears at the same line thickness as the new duct. The project must be printed in grey scale for the difference in color to matter.

Other links: Revit Object Graphic Controls

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